Kobe Guest House MAYA


Have "Something Ordinary in Kobe" on your trip!

在摩耶山腳下,靠著山面向大海的好地點,有著活力又熱情的商店街,親切的店主們, 讓客人們可以享受最道地的旅行.


您可搭乘纜車或徒步登上摩耶山, 從山上展望台眺望神戶美景.
或是在 王子動物園以及周邊美術館悠閒地散散步, 享受復古與現代交集的小鎮風情。
逛累了, 也可以在喜歡的咖啡廳, 喝喝咖啡, 聊聊天.
最後可以到位於商店街上的澡堂泡個溫泉, 放鬆放鬆.


泡完澡以後, 可以到街上的食堂以及居酒屋, 和正在下班回家路上的人們一起享受美食與美酒, 結束一整天的行程.
我們希望能讓各位享受最道地, 最日常的日本, 並在您的旅程中加上神戶的熱情與溫馨.

Live with us and experience like a true Kobe local!

[Join the local experience in Nada!]

Owners Story
online shop


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Night tour

Food walking tour


利用了當地曾經被受愛戴的診療所, 與當地人一起DIY改造而成的青年旅館『萬家』, 以木造為主的內部構造, 同時也融入了一些簡約, 時尚, 可愛的元素. 從窗邊和天臺上也可以欣賞到摩耶山, 阪急電車與王子動物園的摩天輪.


房裡經過精心設計的雙層床, 充滿了木頭 的香氣與木製品所帶來的溫暖.
床內付有閱讀燈, 插座, 床簾, 可上鎖的置物櫃


山間小木屋一般的設計, 帶點可愛的同時卻又不失溫馨感. 房內也付有化妝台提供使用. 床內付有閱讀燈, 插座, 床簾, 可上鎖的置物櫃

Single Room


能夠1人獨享寬敞的空間, 舒適的床.
房內付有閱讀燈, 插座


房內付有閱讀燈, 插座


簡約風的雙人房, 能夠讓心情沉靜下來的私人空間.房內備有1張寬敞的雙人床.
房內付有閱讀燈, 插座


  • 交流廳 Lounge
    交流廳 Lounge


  • 廚房 kitchen
    廚房 Kitchen


  • 淋浴間Bathroom


免費服務 Free service
收費服務 Charged service


Check-In: 16:00-22:00
Check-Out: 10:30


付費方式 Paying method

※一萬円以上可以信用卡結帳。(VISA・MasterCard・AMERICAN EXPESS)

關於予約 Reservation

・入住3天前開始所有的預約取消將收費。 預約取消規定/3天前:30%, 2天前 : 50%, 1天前:80%, 当天・未入住:100%

保安措施 Security


為女性住客的考量 For female guests



The Shopping Street and local market, are only a few minutes walk away from the Guesthouse. It has a very local atmosphere with almost 400 stores catering to daily necessities, delicatessens and restaurants.
Kobe Harborland, Ijinkan, Chinatown, Kobe port and Nada Sake Breweries, are all just a few stops from the nearest station.
Kyoto, Osaka, Himeji, Arima Onsen and Awaji Island is only about 1 hour by train, bus or ferry.

Things to enjoy around our guesthouse.

  • 神戸といえばパン屋さん
    In The Morning #1
    Kobe is famous for bread. Kobe port was opened in 1868 and many new culture from abroad came into Kobe and became popular. That's why there are many bakeries in Kobe and also around Guesthouse MAYA. Let’s enjoy the fresh morning air and go get bread, which is a good start of your day.
  • もう1つ神戸発祥で、親しみ深い飲み物、それが”コーヒー”です。
    In The Morning #2
    Kobe has one more famous thing that became popular from Kobe and everyone knows, which is “coffee”. Kobe has a lot of cafes like retro-styled, stylish cafe and so on. Of course there are many cafes around us. You can buy coffee to go and enjoy it at Guesthouse MAYA or you can have breakfast at cafe.
  • 灘温泉
    In The Morning #3
    Do you want to refresh from the morning? Then we recommend you Nada-onsen which is open from 5 a.m. You can take a bath and buy delicious bread on your way back to MAYA. This is very Nada things.
  • なぎさ公園
    In The Late Morning
    If you have a time in the morning, how about taking a walk to the Nagisa park? When you walk to the seaside from JR Nada station, you find Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art. Then you walk around to the right, you can meet Sun sister.
  • 水道筋商店街
    In The Afternoon #1
    Afternoon is for a discovery of Nada. If you want to meet the local, you should go to Suidousuji market street. You can find what the local’s daily life is. It’s fun to look around, talk with people, walk and eat food. Suidousuji is perfect place for your trip.
  • 王子動物園
    In The Afternoon #2
    Are you an animal lover? Then let’s go to the Oji Zoo. This zoo is the only one zoo that has both of pandas and koalas in Japan.( as of 2017) And you can enjoy not only the animal but also the small amusement park, ferris wheel and Ijinkan.
  • 美術館
    In The Afternoon #3
    If it’s raining, it’s the best day for art (Of course even it’s not raining!) There are two art museums : Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art and Yokoo Tadanori Museum of Contemporary Art. They may make your day artistic.
  • 灘高架下エリア
    In The Afternoon #4
    Nada is mixed old and new places. One of new places is “Nada koukashita area (koukashita is under railway)”.
    Many artists have their own shops there. You may find a special product made in Kobe.
  • 酒蔵巡り
    The Afternoon #5
    Do you like Sake? Then do you know Nada is famous for Sake? Nada have had pure water and good rice for a long time, that’s why it still has many sake breweries. So you can visit there and try sake tasting. The best route to the nearest sake brewery is along Togagawa.
  • 摩耶山
    In The Late Afternoon
    It’s time to go to Mt. MAYA after you enjoy Nada. Mt. MAYA has one of the top 3 night-views in Japan. How to go : Take a Saka bus at Nada station and go to Maya cable station, and take a cable car and ropeway to the top. You can find Kikuseidai on the top of the mountain, which is the best place to see the whole Kobe city and the night view. If you go up there before sunset, you can see both the day and night views.
  • 居酒屋やお洒落なバー
    In The Evening
    You don’t have a time to sleep if you want to find a deeper spot in Nada. A local izakaya, stylish bar and good restaurant. Many interesting and good restaurants here. When you have dinner and sake at a restaurant where only local people go ,have a good conversation with them and laugh together, the experience make your trip better and deeper.


  • 路線マップ

  • 周辺案内図
  • From Nada station(JR)

    Turn left after you exit the ticket gate, you'll see the East-North Exit.
    Go out of the East-North Exit and cross the crosswalk on your left side.
    Walk north towards to Oji zoo.
    After around 1minute, you'll see a railway bridge.
    Turn right and go along the railway bridge.
    After around 30 seconds, you'll see a book store on your right side.
    Keep going that way and you can easily find Guesthouse MAYA.

  • From Oji-koen Station(Hankyu-line)

    Go out the Wext Exit and cross the crosswalk on your left side.
    Follow the road between Seven-Eleven and the railway bridge.
    After around 2 minutes, you can find Guesthouse MAYA on your left side.

  • From Iwaya station(Hanshin-line)

    Go out the Exit, you'll see a Seven-Eleven on your right side.
    Turn right at the Seven-Eleven, you'll see JR Nada station.
    Go up to the 2nd floor and Go out the East-North Exit.
    (From here, please see directions for "From Nada station (JR)")