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テレワークにおすすめ!【完全個室】プライベートワーキングルームプラン【Private Working Room Plan】-Recommendation for Remote work! -
Hi, I'm Park of Guesthouse MAYA.
These days, more and more people are working from home because of the affects of COVID-19.
However, I think some people "feel uncomfortable" or "get distracted" when you work at home for various reasons. Actually, I'm the type who can't work at home.
●People who:
・Can't concentrate because of their children.
・Used to work in a cafe.
・Need an environment for an online meeting.
While I was talking with friends, I found that they need a workplace or a place for an online meeting.
Therefore, I made a plan. For more information, please see below.
You can use a private room in Guesthouse MAYA as a workplace during the day.
◎You don't need to share a room with other people. (It's a Private Room)
◎You don't need to stay at Guesthouse.(It's a One-day plan)
◎It would be perfect for doing computer work and web meeting.(Desk, Chair, Reading light and Free WiFi available)
◎If you get tired, you can take a nap in a bed.
◎We ventilate and disinfect rooms and the building thoroughly everyday.
Price: 2000 yen (includes free drinks)
★1 drip bag of Hagihara coffee company "Maya Blend" (*Nada-ku exclusive coffee)
*Please contact us if you would like to extend or change time.
*This plan is by advance reservation only and please call us at least 1 day in advance.
*We welcome locals who walk or riding a bicycle to Guesthouse.
If you need a workplace, please feel free to contact us!
For reservations, please contact us:
Phone: 090-9856-8280 (Guesthouse MAYA)
【新型コロナウイルスで滞在先にお困りの外国人留学生&旅行者に宿泊施設を無料提供します/We offer Free Accomodation to international students and travelers are in need of a place to stay because of novel coronavirus(COVID-19)】